使用Python调用Semantic Scholar API获取论文信息

原本是想抽取arxiv上面论文中的参考文献信息,但是PDF文件难以解析。固想到用该论文的信息去其他数据库中检索。semantic scholar上面的论文就可以显示出文章的参考文献信息,固调用API实现此目的。总体的流程就是:

  1. 根据arxiv-id获取semantic scholar – id
  2. 通过semantic scholar – id获取该文章的参考文献信息(title、author、time、id)



根据文章arxiv-id获取semantic scholar – id

import requests

# 设置 arXiv ID
arxiv_id = "2403.00825"
# 构造请求的 URL,使用 arXiv ID 作为参数
url = f"https://api.semanticscholar.org/v1/paper/arXiv:{arxiv_id}"
# 发起请求
response = requests.get(url)
# 检查请求是否成功
if response.status_code == 200:
    # 解析响应的 JSON 数据
    data = response.json()
    # 获取并打印 Semantic Scholar 的 ID
    semantic_scholar_id = data.get("paperId")
    print(f"Semantic Scholar ID: {semantic_scholar_id}")

运行代码后输出:Semantic Scholar ID: f15a2d6878429c395e31d738a481fb39e98ca7e2

通过semantic scholar – id 获取该篇文章的参考文献信息(标题、作者、年份和ID)

import requests

semantic_scholar_id = "075f320d8e82673b51204a768d831a17f9999c02"

# 构造请求的URL
url = f"https://api.semanticscholar.org/v1/paper/{semantic_scholar_id}"

# 发起请求
response = requests.get(url)

# 检查请求是否成功
if response.status_code == 200:
    data = response.json()
    # 检查是否有引用文献
    if "references" in data and len(data["references"]) > 0:
        # 打印引用文献的信息,例如标题、作者、时间和Semantic Scholar-ID
        for reference in data["references"]:
            print(f"Title: {reference.get('title', 'No title available')}")
            # 打印每个引用的作者,如果有的话
            if "authors" in reference:
                authors = ", ".join([author.get("name", "N/A") for author in reference["authors"]])
                print(f"Authors: {authors}")
            # 打印出版年份
            print(f"Year: {reference.get('year', 'No year available')}")
            # 打印 Semantic Scholar ID
            print(f"Semantic Scholar ID: {reference.get('paperId', 'No ID available')}")


Title: MSNet: Multi-Resolution Synergistic Networks for Adaptive Inference
Authors: Renlong Hang, Xuwei Qian, Qingshan Liu
Year: 2023
Semantic Scholar ID: 46a0dfaa98118728052b9f017940470ba79ce0f1
Title: ConvNeXt V2: Co-designing and Scaling ConvNets with Masked Autoencoders
Authors: Sanghyun Woo, Shoubhik Debnath, Ronghang Hu, Xinlei Chen, Zhuang Liu, In-So Kweon, Saining Xie
Year: 2023
Semantic Scholar ID: 2218f1713d7f721ab76801063416ec9b11c7646f
Title: Dynamic Neural Networks: A Survey
Authors: Yizeng Han, Gao Huang, Shiji Song, Le Yang, Honghui Wang, Yulin Wang
Year: 2021
Semantic Scholar ID: 837ac4ed6825502f0460caec45e12e734c85b113
# 可以列出所有的参考文献,篇幅原因我仅列了3个

另外还有其他的一些功能,下面举两个,再想了解其他更多的信息参考官方文档👉semantic scholar – api官方文档链接

通过semantic scholar – id 获取该篇文章的信息

import requests
paper_id = "f15a2d6878429c395e31d738a481fb39e98ca7e2"
# 构造请求的URL
url = f"https://api.semanticscholar.org/v1/paper/{paper_id}"
# 发起请求
response = requests.get(url)
# 检查请求是否成功
if response.status_code == 200:
    paper_info = response.json()
    print(paper_info)  # 打印文章信息


{'abstract': "Text classification is the task of assigning a document to a predefined class. However, it is expensive to acquire enough labeled documents or to label them. In this paper, we study the regularization methods' effects on various classification models when only a few labeled data are available. We compare a simple word embedding-based model, which is simple but effective, with complex models (CNN and BiLSTM). In supervised learning, adversarial training can further regularize the model. When an unlabeled dataset is available, we can regularize the model using semi-supervised learning methods such as the Pi model and virtual adversarial training. We evaluate the regularization effects on four text classification datasets (AG news, DBpedia, Yahoo! Answers, Yelp Polarity), using only 0.1% to 0.5% of the original labeled training documents. The simple model performs relatively well in fully supervised learning, but with the help of adversarial training and semi-supervised learning, both simple and complex models can be regularized, showing better results for complex models. Although the simple model is robust to overfitting, a complex model with well-designed prior beliefs can be also robust to overfitting.",
 'arxivId': '2403.00825',
 'authors': [{'authorId': '2156939179',
   'name': 'Jongga Lee',
   'url': 'https://www.semanticscholar.org/author/2156939179'},
  {'authorId': '2289841708',
   'name': 'Jaeseung Yim',
   'url': 'https://www.semanticscholar.org/author/2289841708'},
  {'authorId': '2289841978',
   'name': 'Seohee Park',
   'url': 'https://www.semanticscholar.org/author/2289841978'},
  {'authorId': '2290016625',
   'name': 'Changwon Lim',
   'url': 'https://www.semanticscholar.org/author/2290016625'}],
 'citationVelocity': 0,
 'citations': [],
 'corpusId': 268230995,
 'doi': '10.48550/arXiv.2403.00825',
 'fieldsOfStudy': ['Computer Science'],
 'influentialCitationCount': 0,
 'isOpenAccess': False,
 'isPublisherLicensed': True,
 'is_open_access': False,
 'is_publisher_licensed': True,
 'numCitedBy': 0,
 'numCiting': 0,
 'paperId': 'f15a2d6878429c395e31d738a481fb39e98ca7e2',
 'references': [],
 's2FieldsOfStudy': [{'category': 'Computer Science', 'source': 'external'},
  {'category': 'Computer Science', 'source': 's2-fos-model'}],
 'title': 'Comparing effectiveness of regularization methods on text classification: Simple and complex model in data shortage situation',
 'topics': [],
 'url': 'https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/f15a2d6878429c395e31d738a481fb39e98ca7e2',
 'venue': 'arXiv.org',
 'year': 2024}


import requests
import json

# 设置 API 的基础 URL
base_url = "https://api.semanticscholar.org/recommendations/v1"

# 指定要请求的论文推荐的 API 路径和参数
paper_id = "075f320d8e82673b51204a768d831a17f9999c02"
path = f"/papers/forpaper/{paper_id}"
params = {
    "limit": 10,  # 请求返回的推荐论文数量
    "fields": "title,authors,year"  # 请求返回的字段

# 发起 GET 请求
response = requests.get(f"{base_url}{path}", params=params)

# 检查请求是否成功
if response.status_code == 200:
    # 解析响应内容
    recommendations = response.json()
    print(json.dumps(recommendations, indent=2))
    print(f"Error: {response.status_code}")


  "recommendedPapers": [
      "paperId": "bd8ee79c28ef2eb55185c6912484847696c0773b",
      "title": "SoD2: Statically Optimizing Dynamic Deep Neural Network",
      "year": 2024,
      "authors": [
          "authorId": "48643324",
          "name": "Wei Niu"
          "authorId": "2289611051",
          "name": "Gagan Agrawal"
          "authorId": "2244768705",
          "name": "Bin Ren"


import requests

doi = "10.1145/3292500.3330925"

# 构造请求的 URL
url = f"https://api.semanticscholar.org/v1/paper/{doi}"

response = requests.get(url)

if response.status_code == 200:
    paper_details = response.json()
    print(f"Semantic Scholar ID: {paper_details.get('paperId')}")
    print(f"Title: {paper_details.get('title')}")
    print(f"Authors: {[author['name'] for author in paper_details.get('authors', [])]}")
    print(f"Year of Publication: {paper_details.get('year')}")
    print(f"Abstract: {paper_details.get('abstract', 'No abstract available')}")
    print(f"Error: Failed to retrieve data, status code {response.status_code}")


Semantic Scholar ID: 05c4eb154ad9512a69569c18d68bc4428ee8bb83
Title: Cluster-GCN: An Efficient Algorithm for Training Deep and Large Graph Convolutional Networks
Authors: ['Wei-Lin Chiang', 'Xuanqing Liu', 'Si Si', 'Yang Li', 'Samy Bengio', 'Cho-Jui Hsieh']
Year of Publication: 2019
Abstract: Graph convolutional network (GCN) has been successfully applied to many graph-based applications; however, training a large-scale GCN remains challenging. Current SGD-based algorit....省略


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