“Enhancing the Title: Utilizing Arduino Timers for Precise Control”


  • 1. Intro
  • 2. 什么是中断?
  • 3. 中断快速上手
  • 4. 什么是定时器?
  • 5. 定时器快速上手
  • 5.1 MsTimer2
  • 5.2 TimerOne
  • 6. 注意事项
  • 7. 总结
  • 8. References
  • 1. Intro



    2. 什么是中断?

    CPU执行时原本是按程序指令一条一条向下顺序执行的。 但如果此时发生了某一事件B请求CPU迅速去处理(中断发生),CPU暂时中断当前的工作,转去处理事件B(中断响应和中断服务). 待CPU将事件B处理完毕后, 再回到原来被中断的地方继续执行程序(中断返回),这一过程称为中断 。


    Interrupts are useful for making things happen automatically in microcontroller programs and can help solve timing problems. Good tasks for using an interrupt may include reading a rotary encoder, or monitoring user input.

    If you wanted to ensure that a program always caught the pulses from a rotary encoder, so that it never misses a pulse, it would make it very tricky to write a program to do anything else, because the program would need to constantly poll the sensor lines for the encoder, in order to catch pulses when they occurred. Other sensors have a similar interface dynamic too, such as trying to read a sound sensor that is trying to catch a click, or an infrared slot sensor (photo-interrupter) trying to catch a coin drop. In all of these situations, using an interrupt can free the microcontroller to get some other work done while not missing the input.





    3. 中断快速上手


    demo: 死循环执行+1串口打印程序,当手指触摸2号引脚时,打印一次finger touch,手指离开2号引脚的时候,打印一次finger leave

     * @brief The purpose of this demo is to show how to use interrupt.
     * @author https://github.com/Undertone0809/arduino-uno-dev by zeeland
     * @createTime 2022/11/11 23:24:24
     * @File InterruptDemo.ino
    int pinInterrupt = 2; // 接中断信号的引脚
    void onTouch()
      Serial.println("[info] finger touch");   
    void onLeave()
      Serial.println("[info] finger leave");
    void setup()
      Serial.println("[info] begin to work");
      pinMode( pinInterrupt, INPUT);// 设置管脚为输入
      // Enable中断管脚, 中断服务程序为onTouch(), 监视引脚变化
      attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(pinInterrupt), onLeave, FALLING);
      attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(pinInterrupt), onTouch, RISING);
    void loop()



    4. 什么是定时器?


    Arduino UNO有三个定时器,

  • timer0:一个被Arduino的delay(), millis()和micros()使用的8位定时器
  • timer1:一个被Arduino的Servo()库使用的16位定时器
  • timer2:一个被Arduino的Tone()库使用的8位定时器
  • Actually,定时器的使用也有多种方式,常见的定时器使用方式有自定义触发、MsTimer2库、TimeOne库三种方式,但事实上,我们不推荐自定义编写定时器触发方式,如果你想使用操作寄存器这种复杂的方式,你就没必要使用arduino,所以下面只会MsTimer2和TimeOne两种方式。

    5. 定时器快速上手

    5.1 MsTimer2


    demo: 每500ms让13引脚的LED灯亮一下。

     * @brief The purpose of this demo is to show how to toggle LED on pin 13 each second.
     * @author https://github.com/Undertone0809/arduino-uno-dev by zeeland
     * @createTime 2022/11/11 23:24:24
     * @File TimerInterruptDemo.ino
    #include <MsTimer2.h>
    void flash() {
      static boolean output = HIGH;
      digitalWrite(13, output);
      output = !output;
    void setup() {
      pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
      MsTimer2::set(500, flash); // 500ms period
      MsTimer2::start();  // enables the interrupt.
      // MsTimer2::stop();  // disables the interrupt.
    void loop() {

    5.2 TimerOne

    该库使用 timer1 产生自定义载波频率下不同 pwm 占空比输出 和 定时器中断。同样,使用TimerOne时也需要先安装第三方库才能导入。

    demo: 在引脚9上设置占空比为50%的PWM输出,并附加一个中断,使LED灯频闪,代码如下:

     * @brief The purpose of this demo is to show Sets up PWM output on pin 9 
     *     with a 50% duty cycle, and attaches an interrupt that toggles digital
     *     pin 10 every half second.
     * @author https://github.com/Undertone0809/arduino-uno-dev by zeeland
     * @createTime 2022/11/11 23:24:24
     * @File TimerInterruptDemo2.ino
    #include <TimerOne.h>
    void callback()
        static boolean output = HIGH;
        digitalWrite(13, output);	// 状态翻转
        output = !output;
    void setup()
        pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
        Timer1.initialize(500000); // initialize timer1, and set a 1/2 second period
        Timer1.pwm(9, 512); // setup pwm on pin 9, 50% duty cycle
        Timer1.attachInterrupt(callback); // attaches callback() as a timer overflow interrupt
    void loop()

    6. 注意事项

    1. 如果你使用了 MsTimer2 库, 则 pin11 和 pin3 就不能再用做 PWM 输出了! 因为该 pin3 和 pin11 的 PWM 是靠 timer2 帮忙的! (tone()也是)
    2. 注意 Servo.h 库与 TimerOne 都是使用内部定时器 timer1 会影响pin 9, pin 10 的 PWM
    3. tone() 使用 timer2 定时器; 若使用 Tone 库的 Tone 对象(Tone 变量)也是优先使用 timer2 定时器,若用两个 Tone 变量则 timer1 也会被用掉, 用三个 Tone 则连控制 millis( )的 timer0 也会被用掉。
    4. 别忘了, timer0 负责帮忙控制 pin 5 和 pin 6 的 PWM 输出。只要不去改变 timer 的 Prescaler 就不会影响其控制的 PWM pin, 但MsTimer2 库与 tone( )都会改变 Prescaler。

    7. 总结

    可以看出TimerOne不仅可以完成定时器的功能,也封装了PWM的功能,功能上更加丰富。不过在代码可读性上来说,MsTimer2更具优势,所以可以根据自己的需求选择。更多详细的讲解可以查看源代码或查看References中的official tutorial.

    8. References

  • Arduino official tutorial about attachinterrupt()

  • Arduino Uno 定时器中断 timer 0,1, 2 (自定义配置、MsTimer2、TimerOne库)

  • Arduino official tutorial about MsTimer2

  • https://github.com/PaulStoffregen/MsTimer2

  • Arduino official tutorial about TimerOne

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