
  • (To establish UDP communication in Arduino, you can use the UDP (User Datagram Protocol) library.)要在Arduino中建立UDP通信,可以使用UDP (User Datagram Protocol)库。

  • (Here's an example code that demonstrates basic UDP communication in Arduino:)下面是一个示例代码,演示了Arduino中的基本UDP通信:
  • #include <Ethernet.h>
    #include <EthernetUdp.h>
    // Define the local port for UDP communication 定义UDP通信的本地端口
    unsigned int localPort = 8888;
    // Create an instance of the EthernetUDP class  创建EthernetUDP类实例
    EthernetUDP udp;
    void setup() {
      // Start the Ethernet connection  启动以太网连接
      // Start the UDP server  启动UDP服务
    void loop() {
      // Buffer to hold incoming UDP packets   保存传入UDP数据包的缓存区
      char packetBuffer[UDP_TX_PACKET_MAX_SIZE];
      // Check if a UDP packet has been received  检查是否接收到UDP报文
      int packetSize = udp.parsePacket();
      if (packetSize) {
        // Read the packet into the buffer   将数据包读入缓冲区
        udp.read(packetBuffer, UDP_TX_PACKET_MAX_SIZE);
        // Process the received data   处理接收到的数据
        packetBuffer[packetSize] = '\0'; // Terminate the string
        // Print the received data    打印接收到的数据
        // Send a response back to the client  返回一个响应客户端
        udp.beginPacket(udp.remoteIP(), udp.remotePort());
        udp.write("Response from Arduino");
  • (In this code, the Ethernet and EthernetUdp libraries are included. The local port for UDP communication is defined as localPort. An instance of the EthernetUDP class is created as udp.)在此代码中,包括以太网和EthernetUdp库。UDP通信的本地端口定义为localPort。创建一个EthernetUDP类的实例为udp。

  • (In the setup() function, the Ethernet connection is started using the Ethernet.begin() method. Then, the UDP server is started using the udp.begin() method. The baud rate for serial communication is set.)在setup()函数中,使用Ethernet.begin()方法启动以太网连接。然后,使用UDP .begin()方法启动UDP服务器。设置串口通信波特率。
  • The loop() function is executed repeatedly. It checks if a UDP packet has been received using the udp.parsePacket() method. If a packet is available, it is read into the packetBuffer using the udp.read() method. The received data is then processed and printed to the serial monitor. A response is sent back to the client using the udp.beginPacket(), udp.write(),and udp.endPacket() methods.loop()函数被反复执行。它使用UDP . parsepacket()方法检查是否接收到UDP数据包。如果数据包可用,则使用udp.read()方法将其读入packetBuffer。接收到的数据然后被处理并打印到串行监视器。使用udp.beginPacket()、udp.write()和udp.endPacket()方法将响应发送回客户机。
  • (Make sure to configure the Ethernet connection and the IP address settings according to your network setup. Also, ensure that the client sending UDP packets to the Arduino is configured with the correct IP address and port number.)确保根据您的网络设置配置以太网连接和IP地址设置。另外,请确保向Arduino发送UDP数据包的客户端配置了正确的IP地址和端口号。
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