YOLOv5 Windows环境下的C++部署(GPU)

YOLOv5 Windows环境下的C++部署(GPU)


  • YOLOv5 Windows环境下的C++部署(GPU)
  • 前言
  • 1、环境介绍
  • 2、环境配置
  • 3、.torchscript.pt版本模型导出
  • 4、c++中调用模型并进行推理
  • 5、可能遇到的问题
  • 参考:

  • 前言

    最近在学习pytorch模型的c++部署,查阅网上资料时发现了很多优秀的博主写的详细的教程,但大部分是以前的版本,所以在此整理记录一下新版的yolov5 c++部署



  • win10
  • vs2017
  • libtorch-win-shared-with-deps-1.11.0+cu113
  • opencv4.20
  • cuda11.3
  • cudnn11.3
  • pytorch 1.11.0、yolov5 v6.0



      由于libtorch只能在64位windows上运行,因此我们需要修改项目为release x64,后面所有的项目配置都按照Release x64来配置,至于调试版的Debug x64可以按照这个教程一样的配置即可。



      D:\opencv\build\x64\vc14\lib 文件夹下面的opencv_world420.lib
      D:\libtorch\libtorch-win-shared-with-deps-1.11.0+cu113\libtorch\lib 文件夹下面的所有lib文件。


      TorchScript是PyTorch模型(nn.Module的子类)的中间表示,可以在高性能环境(例如C ++,注意不止是c++)中运行,TorchScript可以通过python语言使用和导出。导出代码如下所示(注意导出的是GPU版本,GPU版本可以使用GPU和CPU进行推理,而CPU版本仅支持使用CPU进行推理):

    """Exports a YOLOv5 *.pt model to ONNX and TorchScript formats
        $ export PYTHONPATH="$PWD" && python models/export.py --weights ./weights/yolov5s.pt --img 640 --batch 1
    import argparse
    import sys
    import time
    sys.path.append('./')  # to run '$ python *.py' files in subdirectories
    import torch
    import torch.nn as nn
    import models
    from models.experimental import attempt_load
    from utils.activations import Hardswish, SiLU
    from utils.general import set_logging, check_img_size
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
        parser.add_argument('--weights', type=str, default='./last.pt', help='weights path')  # from yolov5/models/
        parser.add_argument('--img-size', nargs='+', type=int, default=[640, 640], help='image size')  # height, width
        parser.add_argument('--dynamic', action='store_true', help='dynamic ONNX axes')
        parser.add_argument('--batch-size', type=int, default=1, help='batch size')
        opt = parser.parse_args()
        opt.img_size *= 2 if len(opt.img_size) == 1 else 1  # expand
        t = time.time()
        # Load PyTorch model
        # gpu
        model = attempt_load(opt.weights, map_location=torch.device('cuda'))  # load FP32 model
        labels = model.names
        # Checks
        gs = int(max(model.stride))  # grid size (max stride)
        opt.img_size = [check_img_size(x, gs) for x in opt.img_size]  # verify img_size are gs-multiples
        # Input
        # gpu
        img = torch.zeros(opt.batch_size, 3, *opt.img_size).to(device='cuda')  # image size(1,3,320,192) iDetection
        # Update model
        for k, m in model.named_modules():
            m._non_persistent_buffers_set = set()  # pytorch 1.6.0 compatibility
            if isinstance(m, models.common.Conv):  # assign export-friendly activations
                if isinstance(m.act, nn.Hardswish):
                    m.act = Hardswish()
                elif isinstance(m.act, nn.SiLU):
                    m.act = SiLU()
            # elif isinstance(m, models.yolo.Detect):
            #     m.forward = m.forward_export  # assign forward (optional)
        model.model[-1].export = False  # set Detect() layer export=True
        y = model(img)  # dry run
        # TorchScript export
            print('\nStarting TorchScript export with torch %s...' % torch.__version__)
            f = opt.weights.replace('.pt', '.GPU_torchscript.pt')  # filename
            ts = torch.jit.trace(model, img)
            print('TorchScript export success, saved as %s' % f)
        except Exception as e:
            print('TorchScript export failure: %s' % e)
        print('\nExport complete (%.2fs). Visualize with https://github.com/lutzroeder/netron.' % (time.time() - t))



    #include <torch/script.h>
    #include <memory>
    #include <torch/torch.h>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>  
    #include <opencv2/highgui/highgui_c.h>
    #include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>  
    #include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
    #include <time.h>  
    using namespace cv;
    std::vector<std::string> LoadNames(const std::string& path)
    	// load class names
    	std::vector<std::string> class_names;
    	std::ifstream infile(path);
    	if (infile.is_open()) {
    		std::string line;
    		while (std::getline(infile, line)) {
    	else {
    		std::cerr << "Error loading the class names!\n";
    	return class_names;
    std::vector<float> LetterboxImage(const cv::Mat& src, cv::Mat& dst, const cv::Size& out_size)
    	auto in_h = static_cast<float>(src.rows);
    	auto in_w = static_cast<float>(src.cols);
    	float out_h = out_size.height;
    	float out_w = out_size.width;
    	float scale = std::min(out_w / in_w, out_h / in_h);
    	int mid_h = static_cast<int>(in_h * scale);
    	int mid_w = static_cast<int>(in_w * scale);
    	cv::resize(src, dst, cv::Size(mid_w, mid_h));
    	int top = (static_cast<int>(out_h) - mid_h) / 2;
    	int down = (static_cast<int>(out_h) - mid_h + 1) / 2;
    	int left = (static_cast<int>(out_w) - mid_w) / 2;
    	int right = (static_cast<int>(out_w) - mid_w + 1) / 2;
    	cv::copyMakeBorder(dst, dst, top, down, left, right, cv::BORDER_CONSTANT, cv::Scalar(114, 114, 114));
    	std::vector<float> pad_info{ static_cast<float>(left), static_cast<float>(top), scale };
    	return pad_info;
    enum Det
    	tl_x = 0,
    	tl_y = 1,
    	br_x = 2,
    	br_y = 3,
    	score = 4,
    	class_idx = 5
    struct Detection
    	cv::Rect bbox;
    	float score;
    	int class_idx;
    void Tensor2Detection(const at::TensorAccessor<float, 2>& offset_boxes,
    	const at::TensorAccessor<float, 2>& det,
    	std::vector<cv::Rect>& offset_box_vec,
    	std::vector<float>& score_vec)
    	for (int i = 0; i < offset_boxes.size(0); i++) {
    			cv::Rect(cv::Point(offset_boxes[i][Det::tl_x], offset_boxes[i][Det::tl_y]),
    				cv::Point(offset_boxes[i][Det::br_x], offset_boxes[i][Det::br_y]))
    void ScaleCoordinates(std::vector<Detection>& data, float pad_w, float pad_h,
    	float scale, const cv::Size& img_shape)
    	auto clip = [](float n, float lower, float upper)
    		return std::max(lower, std::min(n, upper));
    	std::vector<Detection> detections;
    	for (auto & i : data) {
    		float x1 = (i.bbox.tl().x - pad_w) / scale;  // x padding
    		float y1 = (i.bbox.tl().y - pad_h) / scale;  // y padding
    		float x2 = (i.bbox.br().x - pad_w) / scale;  // x padding
    		float y2 = (i.bbox.br().y - pad_h) / scale;  // y padding
    		x1 = clip(x1, 0, img_shape.width);
    		y1 = clip(y1, 0, img_shape.height);
    		x2 = clip(x2, 0, img_shape.width);
    		y2 = clip(y2, 0, img_shape.height);
    		i.bbox = cv::Rect(cv::Point(x1, y1), cv::Point(x2, y2));
    torch::Tensor xywh2xyxy(const torch::Tensor& x)
    	auto y = torch::zeros_like(x);
    	// convert bounding box format from (center x, center y, width, height) to (x1, y1, x2, y2)
    	y.select(1, Det::tl_x) = x.select(1, 0) - x.select(1, 2).div(2);
    	y.select(1, Det::tl_y) = x.select(1, 1) - x.select(1, 3).div(2);
    	y.select(1, Det::br_x) = x.select(1, 0) + x.select(1, 2).div(2);
    	y.select(1, Det::br_y) = x.select(1, 1) + x.select(1, 3).div(2);
    	return y;
    std::vector<std::vector<Detection>> PostProcessing(const torch::Tensor& detections,
    	float pad_w, float pad_h, float scale, const cv::Size& img_shape,
    	float conf_thres, float iou_thres)
    	 * 结果纬度为batch index(0), top-left x/y (1,2), bottom-right x/y (3,4), score(5), class id(6)
    	 * 13*13*3*(1+4)*80
    	constexpr int item_attr_size = 5;
    	int batch_size = detections.size(0);
    	// number of classes, e.g. 80 for coco dataset
    	auto num_classes = detections.size(2) - item_attr_size;
    	// get candidates which object confidence > threshold
    	auto conf_mask = detections.select(2, 4).ge(conf_thres).unsqueeze(2);
    	std::vector<std::vector<Detection>> output;
    	// iterating all images in the batch
    	for (int batch_i = 0; batch_i < batch_size; batch_i++) {
    		// apply constrains to get filtered detections for current image
    		auto det = torch::masked_select(detections[batch_i], conf_mask[batch_i]).view({ -1, num_classes + item_attr_size });
    		// if none detections remain then skip and start to process next image
    		if (0 == det.size(0)) {
    		// compute overall score = obj_conf * cls_conf, similar to x[:, 5:] *= x[:, 4:5]
    		det.slice(1, item_attr_size, item_attr_size + num_classes) *= det.select(1, 4).unsqueeze(1);
    		// box (center x, center y, width, height) to (x1, y1, x2, y2)
    		torch::Tensor box = xywh2xyxy(det.slice(1, 0, 4));
    		// [best class only] get the max classes score at each result (e.g. elements 5-84)
    		std::tuple<torch::Tensor, torch::Tensor> max_classes = torch::max(det.slice(1, item_attr_size, item_attr_size + num_classes), 1);
    		// class score
    		auto max_conf_score = std::get<0>(max_classes);
    		// index
    		auto max_conf_index = std::get<1>(max_classes);
    		max_conf_score = max_conf_score.to(torch::kFloat).unsqueeze(1);
    		max_conf_index = max_conf_index.to(torch::kFloat).unsqueeze(1);
    		// shape: n * 6, top-left x/y (0,1), bottom-right x/y (2,3), score(4), class index(5)
    		det = torch::cat({ box.slice(1, 0, 4), max_conf_score, max_conf_index }, 1);
    		// for batched NMS
    		constexpr int max_wh = 4096;
    		auto c = det.slice(1, item_attr_size, item_attr_size + 1) * max_wh;
    		auto offset_box = det.slice(1, 0, 4) + c;
    		std::vector<cv::Rect> offset_box_vec;
    		std::vector<float> score_vec;
    		// copy data back to cpu
    		auto offset_boxes_cpu = offset_box.cpu();
    		auto det_cpu = det.cpu();
    		const auto& det_cpu_array = det_cpu.accessor<float, 2>();
    		// use accessor to access tensor elements efficiently
    		Tensor2Detection(offset_boxes_cpu.accessor<float, 2>(), det_cpu_array, offset_box_vec, score_vec);
    		// run NMS
    		std::vector<int> nms_indices;
    		cv::dnn::NMSBoxes(offset_box_vec, score_vec, conf_thres, iou_thres, nms_indices);
    		std::vector<Detection> det_vec;
    		for (int index : nms_indices) {
    			Detection t;
    			const auto& b = det_cpu_array[index];
    			t.bbox =
    				cv::Rect(cv::Point(b[Det::tl_x], b[Det::tl_y]),
    					cv::Point(b[Det::br_x], b[Det::br_y]));
    			t.score = det_cpu_array[index][Det::score];
    			t.class_idx = det_cpu_array[index][Det::class_idx];
    		ScaleCoordinates(det_vec, pad_w, pad_h, scale, img_shape);
    		// save final detection for the current image
    	} // end of batch iterating
    	return output;
    cv::Mat Demo(cv::Mat& img,
    	const std::vector<std::vector<Detection>>& detections,
    	const std::vector<std::string>& class_names,
    	bool label = true)
    	if (!detections.empty()) {
    		for (const auto& detection : detections[0]) {
    			const auto& box = detection.bbox;
    			float score = detection.score;
    			int class_idx = detection.class_idx;
    			cv::rectangle(img, box, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2);
    			if (label) {
    				std::stringstream ss;
    				ss << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << score;
    				std::string s = class_names[class_idx] + " " + ss.str();
    				auto font_face = cv::FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX;
    				auto font_scale = 1.0;
    				int thickness = 1;
    				int baseline = 0;
    				auto s_size = cv::getTextSize(s, font_face, font_scale, thickness, &baseline);
    					cv::Point(box.tl().x, box.tl().y - s_size.height - 5),
    					cv::Point(box.tl().x + s_size.width, box.tl().y),
    					cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255), -1);
    				cv::putText(img, s, cv::Point(box.tl().x, box.tl().y - 5),
    					font_face, font_scale, cv::Scalar(255, 255, 255), thickness);
    	return img;
    	//cv::namedWindow("Result", cv::WINDOW_NORMAL);
    	//cv::imshow("Result", img);
    int main()
    	torch::DeviceType device_type;
    	device_type = torch::kCUDA;
    	torch::Device device(device_type);
    	torch::jit::script::Module module;
    	module = torch::jit::load("D:\\pytorch\\c++_test\\x64\\Debug\\yolov5s.GPU_torchscript.pt", device);  //加载模型
    	std::vector<std::string> class_names = LoadNames("D:\\pytorch\\c++_test\\x64\\Debug\\coco.names");//读取标签
    	if (class_names.empty()) {
    		return -1;
    	// set up threshold
    	float conf_thres = 0.4;
    	float iou_thres = 0.5;
    	VideoCapture video1(0);//打开笔记本自带摄像头(1)为外接摄像头
    	video1.set(CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, 1280);
    	video1.set(CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, 720);
    	double rate = video1.get(CAP_PROP_FPS);
    	std::cout << "rate: " << rate << std::endl;
    	Mat frame;
    	int delay = 1000 / rate;
    	bool stop(false);
    	while (!stop)
    		double t = (double)cv::getTickCount();//开始计时
    		if (!video1.read(frame))
    			std::cout << "no video frame" << std::endl;
    		cv::Mat img = frame;
    		torch::NoGradGuard no_grad;
    		cv::Mat img_input = img.clone();
    		std::vector<float> pad_info = LetterboxImage(img_input, img_input, cv::Size(640, 640));
    		const float pad_w = pad_info[0];
    		const float pad_h = pad_info[1];
    		const float scale = pad_info[2];
    		cv::cvtColor(img_input, img_input, cv::COLOR_BGR2RGB);  // BGR -> RGB
    		img_input.convertTo(img_input, CV_32FC3, 1.0f / 255.0f);  // normalization 1/255
    		// 加载图像到设备
    		auto tensor_img = torch::from_blob(img_input.data, { 1, img_input.rows, img_input.cols, img_input.channels() }).to(device_type);
    		// BHWC -> BCHW
    		tensor_img = tensor_img.permute({ 0, 3, 1, 2 }).contiguous();  // BHWC -> BCHW (Batch, Channel, Height, Width)	
    		std::vector<torch::jit::IValue> inputs;
    		// 在容器尾部添加一个元素,这个元素原地构造,不需要触发拷贝构造和转移构造
    		//start = clock();
    		torch::jit::IValue output = module.forward(inputs);
    		// 解析结果
    		auto detections = output.toTuple()->elements()[0].toTensor();
    		auto result = PostProcessing(detections, pad_w, pad_h, scale, img.size(), conf_thres, iou_thres);
    		double endtime = (double)(t_stop - t_start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
    		cv::Mat pre_img = Demo(img, result, class_names);
    		t = ((double)cv::getTickCount() - t) / cv::getTickFrequency();//结束计时
    		int fps = int(1.0 / t);//转换为帧率
    		std::cout << "FPS: " << fps << std::endl;//输出帧率
    		putText(pre_img, ("FPS: " + std::to_string(fps)), Point(0, 50), FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 0.5, Scalar(0, 0, 0));//输入到帧frame上
    		//cv::namedWindow("Result", cv::WINDOW_NORMAL);
    		cv::namedWindow("Result", cv::WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
    		cv::imshow("Result", pre_img);
    		if (waitKey(10) == 27)//27是键盘摁下esc时,计算机接收到的ascii码值
    	return 0;



    解决办法:查看cuda是否可用,若torch::cuda::is_available()返回false,则在项目属性(Release)-链接器 – 命令行 – 其他选项贴入下面命令


    有些博客提到输入以下命令,实测vs2017 torch::cuda::is_available()虽然返回true,但模型加载依然会失败






    物联沃-IOTWORD物联网 » YOLOv5 Windows环境下的C++部署(GPU)
